Using the INRIA pedestrian dataset with voc-release5 ---------------------------------------------------- I've made our PASCAL-compatible annotations for the INRIA pedestrian dataset available. You can download them from This archive does not include the images -- it's just the annotations and a PASCAL-compatible directory structure for holding the VOCdevkit, images, and annotations. After extracting the achive, you need to copy the images into the directory structure. To get the images, download and then copy the following files: $ cp INRIAPerson/Test/neg/* INRIA_PASCAL/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Images/ $ cp INRIAPerson/Test/pos/* INRIA_PASCAL/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Images/ $ cp INRIAPerson/Train/neg/* INRIA_PASCAL/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Images/ $ cp INRIAPerson/Train/pos/* INRIA_PASCAL/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Images/ To train an INRIA pedestrian model, search for "INRIA" in voc_config.m, comment out the pascal.dev_kit setting for PASCAL VOC and uncomment the setting for INRIA. The model class name is 'inriaperson'. You would train a model by running: >> pascal('inriaperson', 1);